
Shib Shankar Ghosh


  • Classes 60
  • Duration 60 hours
  • Skill level Beginners to Advance
  • Mode Bengali/Hindi
  • Students 10-15
  • Assessments Yes
Course Description

Gain the knowledge to write simple Java language applications and undertake future courses that assume some background in computer programming. Topics include variables, data types, functions, control structures, pointers, strings, arrays and ... Learn the Java programming language and its fundamental programming concepts.


ISO MSME Certified Government Registered

  • Software Installation
  • Study Materials


  • 1. Introduction of Java
    • Lesson 1. What is Java?
    • Lesson 2. Why Java ?
    • Lesson 3. Setting up the environment in Java.
    • Lesson 4. A First Java Program.
    • Lesson 5. Java Naming Conventions.
    • Lesson 6. How JVM Works – JVM Architecture?
    • Lesson 7. Differences between JDK, JRE and JVM.
    • Lesson 8. Run Program in Different IDE(Eclipse , NetBeans) and Command Prompt.
    • Lesson 9. 50+ Programming Questions with Solutions.
  • 2. Control Flow Statements and Arrays
    • Lesson 1. Selection Statement (if , Switch).
    • Lesson 2. Iteration Statements (while, do-while , for , for each & Nested Loop).
    • Lesson 3. Jump Statements (break , Continue, Return).
    • Lesson 4. Does Java support goto?
    • Lesson 5. Arrays.
    • Lesson 6. 250+ Programming Questions with Solutions.
  • 3. Data types , Variables
    • Lesson 1. Java Identifiers.
    • Lesson 2. Data types.
    • Lesson 3. How to define our own data type in java(enum).
    • Lesson 4. Literals in Java (Numeric Literals, Character Literals, String Literals).
    • Lesson 5. Variable & Declarations of Variable.
    • Lesson 6. Scope of Variables.
    • Lesson 7. Final Variable.
    • Lesson 8. Type Conversion and Casting.
    • Lesson 9. 20+ Programming Questions with Solutions.
  • 4. Operators and Expressions
    • Lesson 1. Expressions.
    • Lesson 2. Arithmetic Operators
    • Lesson 3. Bitwise Operators.
    • Lesson 4. Relational Operators.
    • Lesson 5. Logical Operators.
    • Lesson 6. Assignment Operator.
    • Lesson 7. Increment and Decrement Operators.
    • Lesson 8. The Conditional Operator.
    • Lesson 9. Operator Precedence.
    • Lesson 10. 30+ Programming Questions with Solutions.
  • 5. OOP concept
    • Lesson 1. Introduction to OOP Concept.
    • Lesson 2. Inheritance in Java.
    • Lesson 3. Encapsulation in Java.
    • Lesson 4. Abstraction in Java.
    • Lesson 5. Polymorphism in Java.
    • Lesson 6. Why Java is not a purely Object-Oriented Language?
    • Lesson 7. 60+ Programming Questions with Solutions.
  • 6. Important Keywords
    • Lesson 1. List of all Java Keywords.
    • Lesson 2. Important Keywords in Java.
    • Lesson 3. This keyword.
    • Lesson 4. Super Keyword.
    • Lesson 5. Static keyword.
    • Lesson 6. Final keyword.
    • Lesson 7. Final, finally and finalize in Java.
    • Lesson 8. Abstract Keyword.
    • Lesson 9. Transient keyword in Java.
    • Lesson 10. Volatile keyword in Java.
    • Lesson 11. Strictfp keyword.
    • Lesson 12. 30+ Programming Questions with Solutions.
  • 7. Classes and objects
    • Lesson 1. Classes and Objects.
    • Lesson 2. Java object storage.
    • Lesson 3. Different ways to create objects in Java.
    • Lesson 4. Association, Composition and Aggregation.
    • Lesson 5. Access and Non-Access Modifiers in Java.
    • Lesson 6. Access Modifiers.
    • Lesson 7. This reference.
    • Lesson 8. Object class.
    • Lesson 9. Static class in Java.
    • Lesson 10. Method Overloading.
    • Lesson 11. Method Overriding.
    • Lesson 12. Understanding “static” in “public static void main” in Java.
    • Lesson 13. Overloading or Overriding static methods.
    • Lesson 14. Shadowing of static methods(Also called Method Hiding).
    • Lesson 15. Static methods vs Instance methods in Java.
    • Lesson 16. Assigning values to static final variables in Java.
    • Lesson 17. Covariant return types.
    • Lesson 18. Flexible nature of java.lang.Object.
    • Lesson 19. Overriding equals method of Object class.
    • Lesson 20. Overriding toString() method of Object class.
    • Lesson 21. Instance Variable Hiding.
    • Lesson 22. Static blocks in Java.
    • Lesson 23. Initializer block in java.
    • Lesson 24. Instance initializer block in java(non-static block).
    • Lesson 25. Static vs Dynamic Binding.
    • Lesson 26. 60+ Programming Questions with Solutions.
  • 8. Constructor in Java
    • Lesson 1. Constructors.
    • Lesson 2. Constructors in Java.
    • Lesson 3. Default constructor.
    • Lesson 4. Assigning values to static final variables.
    • Lesson 5. Copy Constructor.
    • Lesson 6. Constructor Chaining.
    • Lesson 7. Private Constructors and Singleton Classes.
    • Lesson 8. Singleton Class.
    • Lesson 9. Constructor Overloading.
    • Lesson 10. 20+ Programming Questions with Solutions.
  • 9. Inheritance in Java
    • Lesson 1. Inheritance in Java.
    • Lesson 2. Multiple Inheritance.
    • Lesson 3. Why Java does’nt support Multiple Inheritance – The Diamond Problem.
    • Lesson 4. Java Object Creation of Inherited Class.
    • Lesson 5. Inheritance and constructors.
    • Lesson 6. Interfaces and Inheritance.
    • Lesson 7. Using final with Inheritance. .
    • Lesson 8. Override private methods.
    • Lesson 9. More restrictive access to a derived class method in Java.
    • Lesson 10. Parent and Child classes having same data member.
    • Lesson 11. Object Serialization with Inheritance. .
    • Lesson 12. Referencing Subclass objects with Subclass vs Superclass reference.
    • Lesson 13. Does overloading work with inheritance.
    • Lesson 14. 20+ Programming Questions with Solutions.
  • 10. Packages
    • Lesson 1. Packages Introduction.
    • Lesson 2. Java.io package.
    • Lesson 3. Java.lang package.
    • Lesson 4. Java.util package.
  • 11. Exception Handling
    • Lesson 1. Exceptions.
    • Lesson 2. Out Of Memory Error Exception.
    • Lesson 3. Different ways to print Exception messages in Java.
    • Lesson 4. Flow control in try-catch-finally.
    • Lesson 5. Types of Exceptions.
    • Lesson 6. Catching base and derived classes as exceptions.
    • Lesson 7. Checked vs Unchecked Exceptions.
    • Lesson 8. Throw and Throws.
    • Lesson 9. User-defined Custom Exception.
    • Lesson 10. Infinity or Exception?
    • Lesson 11. Multicatch.
    • Lesson 12. Chained Exceptions.
    • Lesson 13. Null Pointer Exception.
    • Lesson 14. 20+ Programming Questions with Solutions.
  • 12. Input/output Streams
    • Lesson 1. Character Stream Vs Byte Stream.
    • Lesson 2. DoubleStream mapToObj() in Java.
    • Lesson 3. Command Line arguments.
    • Lesson 4. Scanner Class.
    • Lesson 5. Scanner and nextChar().
    • Lesson 6. Scanner vs BufferReader Class.
    • Lesson 7. Formatted output.
    • Lesson 8. Fast I/O for Competitive Programming.
    • Lesson 9. Reading input from console.
    • Lesson 10. 20+ Programming Questions with Solutions.
  • 13. Collection Framework
    • Lesson 1. The Collections Framework.
    • Lesson 2. The Set Interface.
    • Lesson 3. Set Implementation Classes.
    • Lesson 4. The List Interface.
    • Lesson 5. List Implementation Classes.
    • Lesson 6. The Map Interface.
    • Lesson 7. Map Implementation Classes.
    • Lesson 8. 110+ Programming Questions with Solutions.
  • 14.Interfaces and Abstract Classes
    • Lesson 1. Interfaces.
    • Lesson 2. Access specifier for methods in interfaces.
    • Lesson 3. Access specifiers for classes or interfaces.
    • Lesson 4. Abstract Classes.
    • Lesson 5. Difference between Abstract Class and Interface in Java.
    • Lesson 6. Comparator Interface.
    • Lesson 7. Java Interface methods.
    • Lesson 8. Nested Interface.
    • Lesson 9. Nested Classes in Java.
    • Lesson 10. Inner class in java.
    • Lesson 11. Local Inner Class in Java.
    • Lesson 12. Anonymous Inner Class in Java.
    • Lesson 13. Functional Interfaces.
    • Lesson 14. What is a Marker interface?
    • Lesson 15. Questions on Abstract Classes and Interfaces.
    • Lesson 16. Static method in Interface in Java.
    • Lesson 17. Function Interface in Java.
    • Lesson 18. 10+ Programming Questions with Solutions.
  • 15. Multithreading
    • Lesson 1. Introduction to Multithreading.
    • Lesson 2. Lifecycle and states of a thread.
    • Lesson 3. Main thread.
    • Lesson 4. Methods to prevent thread execution.
    • Lesson 5. Inter thread communication.
    • Lesson 6. Java.lang.Thread class.
    • Lesson 7. Start() function in multithreading.
    • Lesson 8. Java Thread Priority.
    • Lesson 9. Joining Threads in Java.
    • Lesson 10. Naming a thread and fetching name of current thread in Java.
    • Lesson 11. Synchronization.
    • Lesson 12. Method and Block Synchronization.
    • Lesson 13. Producer-Consumer solution.
    • Lesson 14. Thread Pools in Java.
    • Lesson 15. Semaphore in Java.
    • Lesson 16. Java.util.concurrent.Semaphore class in Java.
    • Lesson 17. CountDownLatch.
    • Lesson 18. Deadlock in java.
    • Lesson 19. Daemon thread.
    • Lesson 20. Reentrant Lock.
    • Lesson 21. Cyclic Barrier in Java.
    • Lesson 22. Callable and Future in Java.
    • Lesson 23. Runtime Class.
  • 16. File Handling in Java
    • Lesson 1. File class.
    • Lesson 2. Ways of Reading a text file in Java.
    • Lesson 3. File permissions in java.
    • Lesson 4. 20+ Programming Questions with Solutions.
  • 17. Strings in Java
    • Lesson 1. String Class.
    • Lesson 2. StringBuffer Class.
    • Lesson 3. StringBuilder Class.
    • Lesson 4. StringTokenizer class.
    • Lesson 5. StringJoiner in Java8.
    • Lesson 6. 40+ Programming Questions with Solutions.
  • 18. JDBC
    • Lesson 1. Introduction to JDBC.
    • Lesson 2. Architecture of JDBC.
    • Lesson 3. Type of JDBC Architecture.
    • Lesson 4. Database Connection.
    • Lesson 5. Driver Types.
    • Lesson 6. Statement Ojects.
    • Lesson 7. Resultset.
    • Lesson 8. Transaction Processing.